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Copyrights Jens Hoffmann and Electronic Flux Corporation, 2003 designed by FDTdesign.
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¶ 01/01

The next Documenta faces the same cultural challenge that we face today as artists and cultural producers. How far the new fascism expands will depend on how committed we are to defeating it, with culture. With cultural artifacts. With cultural productions. With cultural writings. With cultural strategies. With cultural programs. When I think about our miniscule, insular, and impotent “art world,” I think of Gramsci in his cell. But who is writing the prison notes today?

I am not advocating for the "art world" to correct the dire imbalances of the “real world,” but I would like to suggest that every effort be made not to replicate so perfectly those imbalances. We must work to close the gaps caused by the inexcusable contrast between cultural poverty and economic wealth.

Could the next Documenta be curated by an artist? Why not? And why not a scientist, a philosopher, or a geographer? Why not a poet? The next Documenta should be curated by a great mind. Progressive. Compassionate. Open. The task is formidable. The objective crucial.
