Elmgreen & Dragset

Baby If You Give It to Me ñ Iíll Give It to You (I Know What You Want)

Maybe all the major art events should change locations in the next 10 years. In the name of true globalism, all the venues could undergo a big rotation - just to keep the audiences awake a little longer, and to help relieve the boredom and ignorance that are a constant threat to the art scene. Documenta would certainly get spiced up a bit if it took place in Venice instead of Kassel.  For sure nobody would miss the food, the clubs, or the city as such. Maybe the São Paulo Biennial, with its strangely corrupt internal conflicts, would function perfectly in Kassel, where decisions seem to be made in the German way, by strictly following the official rules and regulations. The Venice Biennial, with its jet set art crowd, could then take place in Gwangju, so the art elite would experience a new setting and have to fight for the best tables in a Korean version of Harry’s bar. Maybe the Sydney Biennial should relocate to Berlin so that the lazy European audience would get to see it for once. And the Berlin Biennial could then move to Istanbul, and maybe include a bigger number of Turkish artists than it has managed to until now, even though Berlin is said to be the city with the third greatest Turkish population. Maybe the Lyon Biennial should be shown at the Whitney Museum in New York as proof that the hostile atmosphere between France and America has finally dissipated.  And the Whitney Biennial could function as an excellent American promotion in Prague, which has already been invaded by quite a significant number of US citizens. Maybe the next Prague Biennial should take place in Milan, as it has already once changed identity, from the Tirana Biennial originally, it seems as though it would have no difficulties adjusting to this new environment. Maybe Documenta should only be held every ten years and Skulptur Project Münster every fifth. Maybe the Documenta curator could instead curate the next Manifesta - but he or she should not be told this before being appointed, of course - and three younger curators could be given the job to curate the next Documenta. The question is only where to place the next Manifesta because it seems to move around all the time.

The Next Documenta Should Be Curated By an Artist

Copyrights Jens Hoffmann and Electronic Flux Corporation, 2003 / design and architecture by FDTdesign. A paper back version of this project will be published by Revolver (Archiv für aktuelle Kunst) in the Fall of ‘03.